First trade was exactly what I look for, green, and then a pause.
Second trade was something that I used to do, and don't look for anymore, but since this was just after news, momentum looked like it was there to continue on. This was not sticking to the plan.
the following few trades were over trading, as neither did I have green, nor did I have a level. My next level was at 57, and all those buys in between were just overtrading and trying to be pre-emptive, which is never a good result.
When I saw it stall just above 57, and usd/chf was hitting the weekly pivot, I hit the buy expecting a 10pip move, but it didn't eventuate, so I exited.
Had I waited for the 57 level, which came a few mins later, I could have entered at 57/58 and had a 10pip move.
Oh well, everyday is a lesson learnt!
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