Saturday, September 18, 2010

Humility is best!!!

Well, I read a long time ago that it is best to be full of humility when confronting the beast that is the market. The market has its ways of making one come to their knees when they least expect it.

I had one of the best months trading for a long time, and let ego get in the way of objective trading. Decided that my entries were always good, and that if it went against me, it was bound to come back because that is what I wanted it to do. Lots of losses, let the trade go past my sl point, adding into positions etc etc. But worst of all, taking trades in areas that I call no man's land, ie getting ob/os well before levels. This led to me giving back all my profits and some.

Took some time off trading, because I wanted to give myself time for self-reflection on my mistakes. The method I use to trade works, period. The profits are there. There are trade oppurtunities abundant. And I believe I have found the missing link in my yo-yo journey of trading for financial freedom.

I shall start posting charts again next week.


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